Armando, Blume (mauve), 2016, materiedruk met carborundum op 2.000 grs handgeschept Atelier Mas de Flors papier, 50 x 50 cm, editie: 10
This year Armando has made some new motives in carborundum. This time he established a series with a number of flower and leave motives. 'Blume', 'Blatt' and 'Blätter' are, like the earlier works in this technique, available in a very limited edition, exclusively at Galerie Post + García.

Armando, Blatt (braun), 2016, materiedruk met carborundum op 2.000 grs handgeschept Atelier Mas de Flors papier, 100 x 100 cm, editie: 10